• New argument fold_info = FALSE in create_folds() to return fold information as attributes “fold” and “repeat”, see 33.
  • Documentation update.
  • Remove dependency {ranger}.
  • Documentation update
  • Push the package to mature version 1.0.0.
  • Replacing importFrom by ::.

New Functionality

  • Sometimes, one need to stratify on multiple columns. The new function multi_strata() provides a vector of stratification groups based on a data frame that can be then passed to partition() or create_folds(). Each stratification group will contain “similar” data rows, where similarity is either based on a kmeans cluster analysis or forming all combinations of binned columns. Thanks to kapsner for the idea and the help with the implementation.


  • Set up github actions, thanks to L. Kapsner.

This is documentation and maintenance update only with the following changes:

  • Updated documentation to clarify that create_folds() creates in-sample indices by default. If out-of-sample indices are to be generated, set invert = TRUE.
  • Got rid of a CRAN check notes about LazyData.
  • Changed to better way of updating/generating the package.

New Functionality

  • create_folds and partition have received a shuffle option to shuffle rows within folds/partitions. The default is FALSE.

Breaking change for tiny data sets

  • create_folds and partition cannot return empty folds/partitions anymore. This impacts only extremely small data sets.


  • Unit tests have been added.

New Functionality

  • create_timefolds now allows also moving windows training data, not just extending windows data.


Reduced minimally required R version from 3.5 to 3.1.

New Functionality

  • Added type = "blocked" to create_folds and partition to allow for blocked splitting.

  • Added function create_timefolds for cross-validation of time series data.


Added vignette

This is the initial CRAN release.