{effectplots} is an R package for calculating and plotting feature effects of any model. It is very fast thanks to {collapse}.
The main function feature_effects()
crunches these statistics per feature X over values/bins:
Furthermore, it calculates counts, weight sums, average residuals, and standard deviations of observed y and residuals. All statistics respect optional case weights.
We highly recommend Christoph Molnar’s book [3] for more info on feature effects.
It takes 1 second on a normal laptop to get all statistics for 10 features on 10 Mio rows (+ prediction time).
or the little helpers average_observed()
, partial_dependence()
: Combine rare levels of categorical features, sort results by importance, turn values of discrete features to factor etc.plot()
: Choose between ggplot2/patchwork and plotly.Outlier capping: Extreme outliers in numeric features are capped by default (but not deleted). To avoid capping, set outlier_iqr = Inf
You can install the development version of {effectplots} from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
pak::pak("mayer79/effectplots", dependencies = TRUE)
We use a 1 Mio row dataset on Motor TPL insurance. The aim is to model claim frequency. Before modeling, we want to study the association between features and response.
df <- getOMLDataSet(data.id = 45106L)$data
xvars <- c("year", "town", "driver_age", "car_weight", "car_power", "car_age")
# 0.1s on laptop
average_observed(df[xvars], y = df$claim_nb) |>
update(to_factor = TRUE) |> # turn discrete numerics to factors
plot(share_y = "all")
A shared y axis helps to compare the strength of the association across features.
Next, let’s fit a boosted trees model.
ix <- sample(nrow(df), 0.8 * nrow(df))
train <- df[ix, ]
test <- df[-ix, ]
X_train <- data.matrix(train[xvars])
X_test <- data.matrix(test[xvars])
# Training, using slightly optimized parameters found via cross-validation
params <- list(
learning_rate = 0.05,
objective = "poisson",
num_leaves = 7,
min_data_in_leaf = 50,
min_sum_hessian_in_leaf = 0.001,
colsample_bynode = 0.8,
bagging_fraction = 0.8,
lambda_l1 = 3,
lambda_l2 = 5,
num_threads = 7
fit <- lgb.train(
params = params,
data = lgb.Dataset(X_train, label = train$claim_nb),
nrounds = 300
Let’s crunch all statistics on the test data. Sorting is done by weighted variance of partial dependence, a main-effect importance measure related to [4].
The average predictions closely follow the average observed, i.e., the model seems to do a good job. Comparing partial dependence/ALE with average predicted gives insights on whether an effect mainly comes from the feature on the x axis or from other, correlated, features.
# 0.1s + 0.15s prediction time
feature_effects(fit, v = xvars, data = X_test, y = test$claim_nb) |>
update(sort_by = "pd") |>
What about combining training and test results? Or comparing different models or subgroups? No problem:
m_train <- feature_effects(fit, v = xvars, data = X_train, y = train$claim_nb)
m_test <- feature_effects(fit, v = xvars, data = X_test, y = test$claim_nb)
# Pick top 3 based on train
m_train <- m_train |>
update(sort_by = "pd") |>
m_test <- m_test[names(m_train)]
# Concatenate train and test results and plot them
c(m_train, m_test) |>
share_y = "rows",
ncol = 2,
byrow = FALSE,
stats = c("y_mean", "pred_mean"),
subplot_titles = FALSE,
# plotly = TRUE,
title = "Left: Train - Right: Test",
To look closer at bias, let’s select the statistic “resid_mean” along with pointwise 95% confidence intervals for the true conditional bias.
c(m_train, m_test) |>
update(drop_below_n = 50) |>
ylim = c(-0.07, 0.08),
ncol = 2,
byrow = FALSE,
stats = "resid_mean",
subplot_titles = FALSE,
title = "Left: Train - Right: Test",
# plotly = TRUE,
interval = "ci"
Most models work out-of-the box, including DALEX explainers and Tidymodels models. If not, a tailored prediction function can be specified.
fit <- ranger(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)
ex <- DALEX::explain(fit, data = iris[, -1], y = iris[, 1])
feature_effects(ex, breaks = 5) |>
plot(share_y = "all")
Note that ALE plots are only available for continuous variables.
xvars <- c("carat", "color", "clarity", "cut")
split <- initial_split(diamonds)
train <- training(split)
test <- testing(split)
dia_recipe <- train |>
recipe(reformulate(xvars, "price"))
mod <- rand_forest(trees = 100) |>
set_engine("ranger") |>
dia_wf <- workflow() |>
add_recipe(dia_recipe) |>
fit <- dia_wf |>
M_train <- feature_effects(fit, v = xvars, data = train, y = "price")
M_test <- feature_effects(fit, v = xvars, data = test, y = "price")
M_train + M_test,
byrow = FALSE,
ncol = 2,
share_y = "rows",
rotate_x = rep(45 * xvars %in% c("clarity", "cut"), each = 2),
subplot_titles = FALSE,
# plotly = TRUE,
title = "Left: train - Right: test"
We focus on a single class.
fit <- ranger(Species ~ ., data = iris, probability = TRUE)
M <- partial_dependence(
v = colnames(iris[1:4]),
data = iris,
which_pred = 1 # "setosa" is the first class
plot(M, bar_height = 0.33, ylim = c(0, 0.7))